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Adiyogi – The Source of Yoga


A book like no other, this extraordinary document is a tribute to Shiva, the Adiyogi, by a living yogi.

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Over 15,000 years ago, predating all religion, Adiyogi, the first Yogi, transmitted the science of Yoga to his seven disciples, the Saptarishis. He expounded on 112 ways through which human beings can transcend their limitations and reach their ultimate potential. Adiyogi’s offerings are tools for individual transformation, as individual transformation is the only way to transform the world. His fundamental message is that “in is the only way out” for human wellbeing and liberation. To create a joyful and peaceful world, humanity must know that true wellbeing can only be found within, and they must be inspired and empowered with the necessary tools to turn inward. The tools for transformation that Adiyogi offered to humanity thousands of years ago are not only relevant but essential today.


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